There are various complaints that are often experienced by pregnant women, including nasal congestion. Although common, this complaint can be annoying. Come on, find out the possible causes and how to overcome them!
In addition to nasal congestion, complaints that are often experienced by pregnant women include frequent sneezing and nasal discharge. Medically, this condition is known as rhinitis during pregnancy (pregnancy rhinitis).
Causes of Nasal Congestion in Pregnant Women
Rhinitis in pregnant women generally occurs due to hormonal changes. One hormone that has increased is the hormone estrogen. The high hormone estrogen then causes the walls of the respiratory tract to swell and trigger more mucus production. In addition, circulation of blood flow also increases during pregnancy, including in the nasal arteries. This condition makes it easier for pregnant women to experience nasal congestion. Rhinitis during pregnancy can last about six weeks or more. This condition can occur at any gestational age, although it generally occurs in the first and third trimesters. Rhinitis experienced by pregnant women is generally not caused by an allergic reaction, and will disappear by itself two weeks after giving birth. If Bumil has symptoms of rhinitis accompanied by itching of the eyes, nose, throat or ears, then Bumil is likely to have an allergy at the same time. Rhinitis in pregnant women is actually quite common, but it can risk causing health problems for both mother and baby. Especially when it disturbs the sleep of pregnant women. If this continues, this condition can interfere with the baby's chance to get the oxygen needed for its development in the womb. If so, Bumil is recommended to consult her doctor.Various Ways to Overcome Nasal Congestion
Some ways you can do to reduce discomfort caused by rhinitis, including:Clean the nasal passages
Clean the nasal passages with a rinse of salt water mixture (saline), useful for removing mucus. The trick is to mix 250-500 ml of warm water, ¼ or ½ teaspoon of salt, and a little baking soda into a clean basin. The pregnant woman can stand in front of the sink and position her head tilted to one side. After that, pour a little solution into the palm of the hand. then put the solution into one of the nostrils alternately and throw it in the sink.
Do this repeatedly, until your nose feels more comfortable. Some solution may get into the throat. However, do not worry, because this is not dangerous. Pregnant women can also clean the nose by using a similar product that can be purchased at a pharmacy.
Take a shower with warm water
Do not hesitate also to take a warm bath during rhinitis, Mother. This is useful for overcoming nasal congestion. Pregnant women can also wash their faces with a washcloth that has been dipped in warm water to deal with nasal congestion.
Use a humidifier
The use of humidifier Bumil can use in the room to sleep soundly and comfortably. In addition, sleeping with pillows piled up can also make pregnant women sleep comfortably.
Do light exercise
Doing light exercise is useful for overcoming nasal congestion. However, before doing sports, you should consult a doctor first, to find out that exercise is safe for pregnant women.
Avoid allergy triggers
Pregnant women, can also relieve symptoms of rhinitis by avoiding allergic triggers. Such as cigarette smoke, exposure to chemicals and air pollution.
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